Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day & Birthday!

Happy Father's Day (6/15) & Birthday (6/16) Michael!

Here is our father of the year with his wonderful children. :)

3 generations of Phillips.
Matt, Mike & Marshall

We had a yummy barbecue dinner at Mike's folks' house. :)

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Happy Father's Day & Birthday Michael!!! Hope the days were special. Glad you found your wallet Karen. Sorry you had to cancel everything first.
We have 2 bball games tonight, and only 5 boys can come. So.... I think Ethan will be wearing the jersey we got for Matt, and be the 6th player. Some of these 8th grade boys we play against are just as big or BIGGER than Ethan so I'm sure no one will ever even wonder.