Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mourning the BSOD!!!!

I got the blue screen of death on my computer yesterday. :( Michael is trying everything he can to get my computer working again. Bless his heart! Thank you honey. But so far he hasn't been able to recover anything. He had backed up my computer a few weeks ago (all my digi pages & pictures) but if we put the restore disc in my computer, we may lose everything!!!! Christmas 2008 pictures, all my word docs, emails, etc. I am trying to decide if we should call someone & pay big bucks to see if they can recover things or not. All the research he has done on it says that it may not necessarily be the hard drive.
I have gotten way too attached & dependent upon my computer-it stores sooo much stuff for me. Now I'm trying to face the fact that I may lose it all. But I must keep it in perspective, it is JUST STUFF!
For now, Michael has me set up on his computer. (he had to get a new laptop on Wed because his wi-fi was not working all the time. What are the odds of 2 computers going out within such a short time?
SO, if you want to get any emails from me, I'm going to need you to email me. I have NO one's addresses at this point.

1 comment:

Spillers4 said...

Mourning with you and feeling your pain!