Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Phillips Phamily Phive has the Phlue!

They're dropping one by one over here. Maddie has been sick with a nasty cough since last Friday, but is getting better. Sunday, over night, was a night that I'm sure Michael would love to completely remove from his memory. He had the nasty flu. Poor guy.
Monday morning Matt had to go to the dentist for his first fillings & wasn't feeling so hot after that, so he stayed home from school. He slept a lot of the afternoon & felt better last night.
Then today, Lindsay stayed home with the flu. I hope she feels better tomorrow. Matt came home from basketball practice tonight not feeling well. He has a game tomorrow-I bet you he WON'T want to stay home & miss that, no matter how bad he feels! Just hope he doesn't make the team sick!
I feel like scrubbing the house top to bottom with Lysol!
Here's to better days, really soon! I hope!


Juliette said...

Oh no!!! Being sick is not good... I'm sorry! i hope you all feel better MUCH sooner rather than later. :(

Spillers4 said...

How come your "Phillips Phamily Phive has the Phlue" sounds so much better than my "Spiller Spamily Spour has the Splue"??? Just not clever enough over here I guess!!!
Hope everyone gets to Pheeling Phine! Soon!!!