Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in the land of the computing

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it....dodododo (musical interlude by the Pointer Sisters)
We got my computer back! The miracle man, Greg at Strictly PC, was able to recover all my data-most importantly all my digi pages & pictures (over 50 gigabytes worth, which for us un-technical people, is a boatload!) I about cried when he told me he was able to recover it all. May seem silly, but it was an answer to prayer.
Michael is working his little heart out now getting my computer all set up for how I had liked it. When they fixed the computer, they have to put the restore disc in & that wipes out all the info you had on there. That makes your computer just like when your first got it, so you need to put all your programs on it & personalize it.
So, (another song here) Happy days are here again
Be thankful that you can't hear me sing!


Spillers4 said...

Doin' the Happy Dance with ya sista!

Rachelle said...

So great to hear from you!! Glad you got everything back on your computer. I'm sure the cruise will be great. Anessa is still on winter break, so she's in charge. Miss you too!